Formost Graphic Communications

Demographics of Social Media

Does your target audience use Pinterest? What percentage of senior citizens is using social media? What platform do rural residents like most? These are the questions you should be asking yourself if your company is interested in acquiring business through social media.

Many companies hire a full-time staff member to handle social media. Others ask a marketing or communications team member to handle it. Either way, if you are going to devote resources to social media, it’s important to know that you are investing wisely.

By staying informed of the latest research, you can develop a presence on the appropriate platform and use it as an opportunity to get ahead of your competition.  Plus, search engines now rank social media pages, so it’s very important for SEO, not just customer engagement.

The latest data is out from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project and it gives insight into which social networks are popular and with whom. Below are some highlights from the study and a useful infographic.


Source: Pew Research Center, Docstock, Inc.


FORMost Graphic Communications
