laser CuT sHeeTs 24 25 W-2 forms W-2 forms 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of Copy D. 1 Employee’s social security number Retirement plan Third-party sick pay Statutory employee 6 2 Employer’s name, address, and ZIP code Allocated tips 7 8 10 9 Wages, tips, other compensation Federal income tax withheld Social security tax withheld Social security wages 12a 11 Employer’s state ID number 4 3 Employer identification number (EIN) Medicare wages and tips Social security tips 13 5 Control number s n a l p d e i f i l a u q n o N l a i t i n i d n a e m a n t s r i f s ’ e e y o l p m E Medicare tax withheld 15 14 17 16 Other 18 Employee’s address and ZIP code State income tax State State wages, tips, etc. Locality name Copy A For Social Security Administration — Send this entire page with Form W-3 to the Social Security Administration; photocopies are not acceptable. Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service Form Dependent care benefits See instructions for box 12 a b c d e f Void W-2 Wage and Tax Statement OMB No. 1545-0008 For Official Use Only Last name C o d e 12b C o d e 12c C o d e 19 Local wages, tips, etc. 20 Local income tax 12d C o d e Suff. 41-1628061 2018 22222 maIler ConsTruCTIon 2-WIDE MAILEr INFOrMATION After Handling Guide Decollate Ply 1 (Copy 1 and Copy A). Remove pattern carbon tissue. Separate (slit) Ply 1 down center perforation. Burst Copy A every 11", remove right stub. Burst Copy 1 every 5½" and remove left stub. Center slit mailer envelope and burst every 5½" and remove left stub. Burst Copy D every 5½" and remove right stub if desired. W-2 maIler for eleCTronIC fIlInG This electronic filing mailer is available with CarBonless InserTs The W-2 Electronic Filing Mailer combines the benefits of a mailer with the advantages of reporting on Electronic Filing. Exterior ply can be used to report information to the state or for employer’s use. The W-2 Electronic Filing Mailer is available with 3, 4, 5, or 6 parts. See “Parts Sequence Guide” below for ply identification. POSTAL INDICIA aVoid extra handlinG aVoid Postal meterinG Postal Indicias eliminate postal metering and excess handling and can be applied as a crash imprint or computer generated imprint on your printer, for forms with an indicia blockout. NOTE: A Postal Indicia for W-2, 2-wide mailers with copy A can only be applied as a custom imprint at our facility (contact customer service for pricing). w-2 maiLerS for eLecTronic fiLing form numberS carbon inTerLeaveD form xm53 3-Part (1 out, 2 in) form xm54 4-Part (1 out, 3 in) form xm55 5-Part (1 out, 4 in) * =see Parts sequence Guide w-2 maiLerS for eLecTronic fiLing form numberS carbonLeSS inSerTS form xmc53/54 3 or 4 Part (1 out 3 in) outside copies utilize carbon, only the inserts are carbonless. *see Parts sequence Guide W-2 maIlers 1-WIDe The W-2, 1-Wide Mailer is the official IrS format with the employee’s copies pre-inserted in the envelope. PLEASE NOTE: 6-part mailer is NOT recommended for high speed equipment and many mini-computers with light strike impressions. Contact customer service for samples. w-2 maiLerS 1-wiDe form numberS carbon inTerLeaveD FOrM # # PArTS CONSTrUCTION xf1 4 coPies a, 1/d out coPies b, c in 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 4 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 30 2018 2018 W-2 maIler 2-WIDe bLack PrinT carbonLeSS form xc5060 6-Part mailer OVErALL SIZE: 147 /8" x 5½" DETACHED: 137 /8" x 5½" 2-wiDe maiLer ParTS SeQuence guiDe form xc5060 LEFT SIDE rIGHT SIDE Ply 1 copy d/1 copy a Ply 2 face of env. Ply 3 copy b Ply 4 copy c Ply 5 copy d/1 copy 2 back of env. 8 18 Pattern carbon for address Positions employer copy a for irs center Perforation coPy 1, employer state/city copy carbon for employer copy d additional Parts here: copy d, employer file copy (and city copy if 8 Part construction) envelope containing all employee Parts *ELECTrONIC FILING PArTS SEQUENCE GUIDE Copy 1 - filed with employer’s state/city or local tax return Copy B - filed with employee’s federal tax return Copy C - for employee’s Personal file Copy 2 - filed with employee’s state/city or local tax return Copy D - for the employer’s record (also may be used as an extra copy 1) XM53 XM54 XMC53/54 CArBONLESS INSErTS Part 1 copy 1/d Part 1 copy 1/d Part 1 copy 1/d Part 2 face of envelope Part 2 face of envelope Part 2 face of envelope Part 3 copy b Part 3 copy b Part 3 copy b Part 4 copy c / Part 4 copy c Part 4 copy c back of envelope Part 5 copy 2 / Part 5 copy 2 / back of envelope back of envelope XM55 Part 1 copy 1/d Part 2 face of envelope Part 3 copy b Part 4 copy c Part 5 copy 2 Part 6 copy 2 / back of envelope Simplify your customers’ filing process. Add software to your order!