Formost Graphic Communications

6 Elements of a Great Website – DC Metro Web Design

Content – Q: “What makes good web content?” A: What your reader wants! Content should be relevant to your audiences’ needs and wants. It should answer the question, “What’s in it for me?”

Visual – The visual theme should match the brand of the company and should be up-to-date. If your site looks dated, your product or service looks dated and that translates to old, worn out, and undesirable.

Navigation – This is the roadmap of the site. It’s usually located across the top of the homepage or along the left side. It should be simple and uncluttered and it’s a good idea to group like categories together.

Call to Action – Use action words to encourage the viewer to act. Whether it’s, “Order Now,” “Request Information,” or, “Make a Donation” depends on your company, but the call should always be the focus.  Constantly test placement, size and color to learn what works best.

Ease of Contact – A potential buyer can be easily turned off if he wants to buy your product, but doesn’t know how to contact you. This is a no-brainer way to make the sale. Make your preferred method of contact clear, easy to find, and put it in more than one place.

Search Field – This makes it easy to find what you are looking for. Rather than wading through pages of information, the viewer can enter the keyword and be taken directly to the part of your site that interests her most.

Need help with your site? FORMost’s Multimedia Solutions can help. Call us at 301-424-4242 for more information about how we can help you develop a website to grow your business.

FORMost Graphic Communications
