Formost Graphic Communications

Spray Away the Flu with Ad Specialties This Season

With most of our focus being on Ebola these last few weeks, it’s important not to forget that cold and flu season is upon us. It’s time to start taking all the proper measures to avoid a miserable cold and the subsequent sinus infection or bronchitis that may follow. Here are six ways to avoid getting sick this fall and winter and one really cool promotional item to help out, too.

  1. Get a flu shot. Doctors recommend it as the No. 1 thing you can do to prevent the flu.

  2. Think before you shake. If you are an avid networker, cold and flu season might be a time when you want to think twice before shaking hands with everyone you meet.

  3. Wash your hands. Wash your hands as much as you can. Scrub hard for 20 seconds paying attention the backs of your hands, in between fingers, and under nails. Sing Happy Birthday…twice!

  4. Grab some alcohol-based sanitizer. Keep a bottle on your desk, in your kitchen, attach a mini bottle to your keychain and throw one in your gym bag and in your car. When you can’t get to soap and water, you can still sanitize and kill germs.

  5. Keep your area clean. Wiping down your work space, home, and car can go a long way. Use germ-killing soaps and solutions to wipe down keyboards, door knobs, handles, counter tops, sinks and anything hands are coming into contact with.

  6. Get lots of sleep. People who sleep less than seven hours a night are three times as likely to catch a virus as those who sleep eight hours or more.

Antibacterial sprays and gels make very useful promotional giveaways. We love this 10ml Hand Sanitizer Spray Pen with a Custom Leash and Label. It fits in your pocket or purse and attaches to your keychain or jacket zipper. Personalized for as low as $1.75 each.

Want to see a sample and try it out? Call us at 301.424.4242.