In the realm of marketing, direct mail has proven to be the most enduring and effective method of communication between companies and their customers, even out-doing email and social media outreaches. In the age of the coronavirus, companies may wonder what their direct mail campaigns will look like, or whether there is any benefit at all to direct mail marketing. However, given the reasons below, there are ample reasons to show that direct mail can still help your business tremendously.
Avoid the Crowds
While many businesses surge even more onto the Internet to continue outreach to their customers, it is easy for a message to get lost amid the high competition. Companies make an impact when they send a postcard or brochure through the mail. A higher percentage of people respond to mail and are more likely to read through it before tossing anything. With less of a crowd, your message stands out.
A Tangible Message
There is something special about receiving a message that one can touch. As we are currently living in a world where touch has become a near taboo in society, a printed message can be very meaningful to those in self-isolation. Regardless, a message someone can see, touch, and even smell has a greater sensory impact than an email ever can have.
A Friendly Hello
Along with the importance of tangibility, direct mail can also be your company’s way to simply say hello and remind your customers that you remember your relationship with them. A note of simple encouragement shows your business cares and acknowledges the context in which businesses are currently operating.
Coronavirus Concerns
The major drawback that people may bring up concerning direct mail marketing these days is whether it is safe. Can direct mail potentially spread the virus? Will customers be too afraid to touch or read the mail? While the post office is doing everything it can to keep mailing and shipping sanitary, there are precautions customers can take just to be on the safe side. Staying informed and making wise judgments will yield the best results when handling the mail. The virus can only live on cardboard for 24 hours, while it can survive on paper from 5 minutes to 5 days, depending on the strain. However, with safe handling, your customers can know that you are doing your best to keep safe as well.
Trust FORMost Events & Promotions for Print and Marketing Needs Today!
FORMost Graphic Communications proudly provides high-quality print and marketing solutions that produce results for your business. Since 1985, we have been providing an array of services for both national and international clients across a wide variety of industries, including all levels of government. As a privately-held company based in the Washington DC area, we are dedicated to providing exceptional services and products to each of our clients’ unique marketing needs. To learn more about our products and services for your marketing and print needs, contact us today at 301-424-4242, or visit us on Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin for more information.